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Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Century Since the November Revolution

It's been 100 years since the November Revolution installed the Soviet state inside Russia.  It was the first Communist takeover of any nation, and it began a terrible period of death, suffering and slavery.  We all know of the millions who died at the hands of the Nazis, but not much is said any more about the tens of millions who lost their lives to the Communists.  Stalin killed more than ten million by starving them to death in the 1930s, particularly in Ukraine.  Mao Zedong killed more than twenty million people during his cultural revolution in China.  Even in tiny Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge killed over two million in the late 1970s.  The Soviet Gulag was the most massive group of concentration camps ever created.  Nevertheless, we rarely hear of the massive death and suffering that was common in the Communist world.

Why is there this silence?  Why is it that a new generation of Americans if coming to maturity without being exposed to the dystopian end product of the Communist system?  How can we have major candidates for our highest office (like Bernie Sanders) promoting a variant of the leftist system while our educational system fails to inform our youth of the dangers to freedom and to life itself posed by that system?


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