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Friday, October 20, 2017

A New Dictionary

Yesterday, in speaking of Frederica Wilson, the Florida Democrat congresswoman, the White House Chief of Staff general Kelly remarked that as his mother used to say, "an empty barrel makes the most noise."  There's no question what Kelly meant by that; he was basically calling Wilson an idiot who won't shut up even when she ought to.  It's no compliment, to say the least.

Wilson's immediate response was to quote her own mother who used to say "it doesn't matter if a dog howls at the moon; it only matters when the moon howls back." 

In all fairness, Wilson's immediate response just proved that Kelly was correct in his calling her an empty barrel.

Wilson followed her initial enigmatic response with another one about an hour later when she said that Kelly was just trying to keep his job.  That didn't go over very well either.  As a result, Wilson today has decided to call Kelly a racist.  Here's what she said about being called an empty barrel:

Okay, that’s a racist term too. I’m thinking about that one. We looked it up in the dictionary because I had never heard of an empty barrel and I don’t like to be dragged into something like that.

There's a reason why Wilson never heard of an empty barrel being a racist term; that's because it isn't a racist term.  In fact, I looked up the saying that an empty barrel makes the most noise.  It turns out that Shakespeare used the saying except he said "an empty vessel makes the most noise."  Was Shakespeare a racist in 16th century England?  Shakespeare didn't write the line, however.  He was quoting an older saying which is attributed most often to Aristotle.  So were the ancient Greeks racists too?

The truth is that Wilson is just telling lies again in her effort to stay in the news and somehow protect her failing reputation.

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