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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Just In A Few Days

In the last few days the following has happened:

1.  President Trump has announced a new Iran policy and refused to certify that Iran is complying with the JPCOA.

2.  President Trump has signed an executive order that lets small businesses form associations which can buy health insurance as a group, thereby lowering the premiums paid.  The order also allows individuals to buy short term insurance policies, a move which will make life easier for people who move somewhere temporarily and who need insurance while ther.

3.  President Trump announced that the federal government would obey the ruling of a federal court that payments of subsidies to insurance companies under Obamacare could not be made because the funds for the payments were never appropriated by Congress. 

There's more, but these are the highlights.  By putting these three items together, the President is denying his opponents a chance to mount a media counterattack on them.  In fact, most of what we have seen from the opposition is just false statements.  For example, the media and Democrats are busy screaming that the cut off of illegal subsidies to insurance companies will deprive people of healthcare.  That's totally untrue.  People who get subsidies to help them buy insurance on the exchanges will still get those subsidies.  Nothing changes in that regard.  Insurance companies expected the loss of the subsidies this year, so they have already priced that change into the premiums they charge; again there is no change for the policy holders.  The only difference is that the US government is no longer paying subsidies to insurance companies.  Of course, the media and the Democrats don't like to talk about subsidies for big insurance companies, so they lie about the effects.

In the last few weeks, the President has also put forward his plan for a bill to keep DACA.  The Democrats and the media have screamed about it, but they won't be able to keep the DACA people in the country unless they come to a deal.  The CHIP program has also expired as of the beginning of this month.  This federal program for getting healthcare for children will be renewed, but the Democrats will only get that result if they make a deal on the rest of healthcare.  With all of this swirling together, the President ought to be able to reach a deal on a number of issues.  Maybe those issues will even include tax reform.


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