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Friday, March 2, 2018

Death Wish -- What Were They Thinking

Thirty years ago, Hollywood released a movie called Death Wish in which Charles Bronson tracks down and kills all sorts of violent criminals after his wife and daughter are raped and murdered in a home invasion in New York.  The vigilante movie sparked multiple sequels and garnered a big audience.  They were extremely violent and not much more than an excuse for some major fights and shootings etc.  Now, Hollywood has remade the first movie and it's out tonight with Bruce Willis in the starring role as the vigilante.  Why did they bother.  The first Death Wish movies were terrible, so they decided to make them again?  I realize that Hollywood likes to remake old movies.  This is one that ought to have been left in the old movie closet.

I've seen articles worrying whether or not movie goers will buy tickets to a vigilante movie like this after the Florida school shooting.  In truth, if the box office is low, it will be more a sign of good taste in the audience than revulsion at the violence in the movie.

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