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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Maybe It's a Kimical Imbalance

North Korea's leader Kim Jung Un supposedly told a South Korean delegation that North Korea is prepared to end its nuclear and missile programs in negotiations with the USA.  That means one of a few possibilities:

1.  Kim didn't really say this or he will deny saying it sometime soon. 

2.  Kim said this, but it is just another lie from the NKs.  Remember, Kim's father (who ruled North Korea at the time) agreed with Bill Clinton to stop the North Korean nuclear program in exchange for ongoing aid from the USA.  He took the aid and secretly kept going with the nukes.  That was just one of a number of North Korean lies about stopping the nuclear program.

3.  In a slight variant to the previous possibility, Kim is just saying this now to engage in negotiations so as to head off an American attack and to give the NKs time to finalize the missile systems that are nearing operational status.

4.  Things are so bad in North Korea that Kim means what he says.  I find this hard to believe; Kim has continued with his nuclear missile program as North Koreans have suffered malnutrition on a massive scale.  He truly does not care about his countrymen.

So what is the proper response?  The USA should meet with the NKs ASAP.  We should demand the right to inspect the North Korean facilities immediately so that we know what the NKs will have to give up in order for there to be a deal.  Should the NKs refuse to agree to a snap inspection, we should announce that the NKs are not serious and break off the talks.  Meanwhile we should ramp up the pressure on the NKs by declaring that the banks that launder money for the NK regime will be barred from doing business in or with the USA.  This will put the large Chinese banks on notice that they are about to be smashed by US sanctions.  It would be a rather serious blow to these banks and it would put enormous pressure on the Chinese to force the NKs to stop their nuclear program.

Let's face it.  Kim is a liar; he can't seem to help himself.  Maybe it's a Kimical imbalance in his brain.

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