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Monday, April 4, 2011

Draft Paul Ryan?

Writing on Powerline, Steven Hayward explains why Paul Ryan would be the ideal GOP candidate for president in 2012. ryan has already said that he will not run, but, as Hayward notes, things change. Ryan has become the most knowledgeable and clearest exponent of spending restraint and growth inducing policies as the cure for the economic malaise of the USA. He is also extremely smart and well spoken. It is interesting to contemplate a debate between Obama and Ryan, the fight between "glittering generalities" and "well reasoned specifics". Personally, I think Ryan would easily reveal Obama for the empty suit that he actually is.

Kudos to Hayward for his article. You can reach it by clicking on the title to this post. Let me add just this: I hope Ryan does run. I will certainly support him.

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