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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Bowe Bergdahl -- The Final Story

According to reports today, Bowe Bergdahl is planning to plead guilty to desertion at his court-martial.  It's quite a shift from where things stood when he first returned from Afghanistan.

Remember Bergdahl was obtained in a swap with the Taliban.  The USA freed five high ranking Taliban prisoners and got Bergdahl in exchange.  President Obama held a ceremony in the rose garden at the White House to celebrate his return.  Susan Rice (who will say anything) called Bergdahl a "hero".  Then the truth started to leak out.  We heard that Bergdahl was a deserter who walked away from his unit and was later captured by the Taliban.  There were stories that he joined forces with the Taliban, although the truth of them has never been known.  What is a fact, however, is that after Bergdahl deserted, other troops were wounded or killed while searching for him.  We also know that at least some of the five Taliban leaders released in the swap are back fighting against the USA again.


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