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Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Horrific New Low For the Washington Post

There's an article in the Washington Post in which the rabidly anti-Trump David Ignatius solemnly proclaims that people died while Trump played games with Ukraine.  He then lists one death and two injuries in October of 2019 as proof.  It's an amazing display of anti-Trump Fake and Misleading News even for the Washington Post.

Think about it.  Ignatius' premise is that by delaying release of aid to Ukraine Trump is responsible for the one death and two injuries in that country months after the release of the aid.  Remember, there is a cease fire in place between Ukraine and Russia right now, and it is the death and one injury are due to the explosion of a hand grenade in an apartment that doesn't seem to have any connection to the conflict with Russia.  Releasing aid or not releasing aid has no connection at all with the injuries.  On the other hand, when Obama was president, he steadfastly refused to give any aid at all to the Ukrainians when they were facing an active Russian invasion of their country.  Roughly 12,000 people died in that fighting.  Ignatius sees nothing wrong with that.  It's fine if a Democrat refuses aid to Ukraine during active fighting and thousands die, but it's terrible if a Republican delays aid during a cease fire and one person is injured.

I have no problem with anyone who wants to discuss the Trump policy towards Ukraine if they do so honestly and fairly.  A ridiculous smear like this WaPo piece, however, is despicable.

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