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Monday, November 11, 2019

Another Amazing Devalopment

Former governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, has let it be known that he is considering entering the Democrat race for president in 2020.  This actually makes sense, although it is highly unlikely to be successful.

Right now, the Dems have the major problems that all of their main candidates are highly flawed, indeed perhaps fatally flawed.  Old Joe Biden is a bumbling stumbling old man who cannot seem to stick to or even remember the facts.  Worse, he is enmeshed by his own words in the middle of a corruption scandal in which Biden misused his position as vice president just to help his son Hunter.  That doesn't play too well.  Elizabeth Warren has put for policy positions like her 50 trillion dollar Medicare for All that will drag her under water quickly once the American public gets to understand the full implication of those policies.  Few people want to vote for "equality" that will result in an economic depression in which everyone will end up being equally poor.  Ever since she put forth the details of her Medicare for All plan, her poll numbers have been tanking.  Bernie Sanders is still the same angry old man he has always been, but now he's also the very old guy who had a serious heart attack a few weeks ago.  Why vote for the guy unlikely to make it to inauguration day.  Mayor Pete is marginally a main candidate, but he's still an inexperienced mayor of a tiny city who couldn't even deal earlier this year with the aftermath of his police department shooting a minority guy.  Oh, and he's gay which won't play all that well with the religious people in the minority communities.  The rest of the current field barely rise to the level of also-rans.

Now we get Bloomberg who may enter and Deval Patrick.  Patrick would be one more chance for a serious minority candidate to get traction in the race.  He's well known in New Hampshire.  He has executive experience.  Maybe, just maybe, Patrick could entice 15% or so of the voters to support him so that he could survive the thinning of the herd that will inevitably come about by the second week of March.

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