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Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Brain Dead Europeans Are Hiding from Responsibility

In 2015, the JCPOA was signed by Iran and the USA, Russia, France, Germany, the UK among others.  It guaranteed Iran would get nuclear weapons after a delay of ten years.  It also gave the Iranians hundreds of billions of dollars including a sizable amount of actual cash.  It lifted all the sanctions on Iran.  Basically it was a surrender by the West to the nuclear ambitions of the Iranians.

Last year, President Trump withdrew the USA from this one-sided agreement.  At that point, the Europeans all stayed in the agreement with Iran.  They said that they were going to hold the Iranians to compliance with the terms of that agreement (which basically just forced Iran to wait for ten years before proceeding to nukes.)

About six months ago, the Iranians let it be known that they were enriching uranium beyond the limits set by the JCPOA.  The Europeans ignored this even though it was a clear violation of the JCPOA.  Now, the Iranians have let it be known that they are once again using their facility at Fordow to carry out nuclear weapons research and production.  This is another egregious violation of the JCPOA.  Thus far, the Europeans have said nothing about this.  Remember, this is not a "possible" violation which the Iranians deny.  This is an actual violation that the Iranians concede.

So why are the Europeans hiding from their responsibility to enforce the JCPOA?  Are they brain dead?  Are they afraid to act?  Do they not care if Teheran has nukes that could incinerate Europe?  Do they think that only Israel will be targeted?

If there ever were a reason why European leaders like Merkel and Macron ought to be considered lightweights, this is it.  I'm willing to give Boris Johnson a bit more time since he is in the middle of an election and Brexit and has only been in office for about two months.

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