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Monday, November 18, 2019

More From Iran

The protests in Iran that are currently underway are quite violent and widespread.  There has been a tidal wave of protest which has now reached over 100 cities across Iran.  There has also been major destruction of property as protesters have burned government buildings and banks as well as other sites.  Things have gotten so bad for the government that it has closed the internet across the country in order to prevent the protesters from communicating on social media both with each other and with the rest of the world.  Even so, video and images of fires, marches, burning cars blocking roads and the like have made their way out of Iran.  Further, while there is no way to verify the number, both the protesters and the government confirm that people have been killed.

This is amazing and important news.  Widespread public unrest could bring down the Islamic Republic and its theocratic fascist leadership.  It's hard to overstate the benefits for the region and the world were that to happen.  Iran is, after all, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.  The collapse of the Iranian regime might also lead to the end of its puppet Assad regime in Syria.  It would also remove a prime source of conflict in Iraq as there would no longer be Iranian agents pushing the Shia sect to try to control the Sunnis and others.

One would think that this news is of sufficient importance that our media would be all over it.  Guess again.  Perhaps the demise of Iran's theocrats would be a "victory" for the Trump foreign policy of confrontation of Iran.  That alone would prevent most US media from covering it.  I checked this morning.  CBS News has nothing on its web site about the protests.  ABC is running an AP article buried deep on its website.  NBC does have coverage, but not much.

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