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Friday, November 15, 2019

Unbelievable Coverage

Marie the ex-ambassador Yovanovich testified today in the impeachment circus.  I didn't watch; I see no reason to waste my time.  I did, however, happen to see or read six different accounts of her testimony.  All were from the mainstream media.  The most amazing thing to me is that not a single one of the accounts mentioned that the witness had nothing (and I mean NOTHING) to say about the subject matter of impeachment.  She was gone from Ukraine prior to any of the communications about Joe Biden, investigations, release of military aid and the like.  She never spoke to President Trump or the White House chief of staff in 2019.  She wasn't even still ambassador to Ukraine when any of the relevant events happened.  Indeed, when she was removed as ambassador, the then president elect of Ukraine told President Trump that the removal was a great idea since Yovanovich was hostile to the incoming president.  Put simply, everything that Yovanovich had to say today had nothing to do with impeachment.  She's just a former ambassador who doesn't like the way in which she was fired.

It is impossible to miss Yovanovich's total lack of importance.  Adam Schiff could have brought in a waiter from a Ukrainian restaurant in DC to talk about Ukrainian cuisine.  It would have had just as much impact.  In view of this, how is it possible that the mainstream media could fail to mention this?  That's not just biased reporting; it's intentional dishonest propaganda.

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