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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Impeachment Today

The big show trial in the House starts today.  Technically, it's an "investigation" but farce would be a better word.  The initial witnesses (Kent and Taylor from the State Department) are two who have previously testified in the secret hearings that the Dems held for the last two months.  We have now, however, seen the transcripts of those "hearings" and have learned the following.  Here's how Betsy McCaughy states it in the NY Post today:

 "Kent and Taylor have no evidence against Trump — only a false rumor spread during a farcical game of telephone on Sept. 7. Taylor heard the claim third-hand, and then called Kent, who got it fourth hand.  [Neither one ever] spoke with Trump about the aid and [they] admit they had no direct knowledge of why it was ­delayed. They weren’t even on the controversial July 25 phone call that has become the pretext for ­impeachment."
Think about that.  The first two witnesses called by the Democrats weren't on the call that is supposed to be the centerpiece of the impeachment.  They also admit they don't know directly why aid to Ukraine was delayed.  They only heard speculation from a guy who admits that he just presumed the reason for the delay even though he also admits that President Trump told him something different.
This is the kind of testimony that would be excluded in any criminal trial in America as unreliable hearsay.  The Dems, however, are LEADING with this.  If they are starting with BS, one can only conclude that they have no real evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump.
Now you don't need to watch.

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