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Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Proof That Patrick and Bloomberg Needed

The latest poll in Iowa among Democrats gives Mayor Pete a 9 point lead over Biden, Warren and Sanders who are bunched around 15%.  This is more a rejection of Biden, Warren and Sanders than an endorsement of Pete.  Now to be fair, this is a CNN poll (with the Des Moines Register), so it is suspect to say the least.  Still, one has to remember that in the last six months Biden was way out front until his stumbling bumbling persona was shown to voters and his past involvement with corruption in Ukraine and China to help his son was spread across the news pages.  Warren then moved way out in front until she revealed her Medicare For All plan that clearly was a Poverty For All Plan.  Iowa Democrats left her behind in droves in what seems to be a direct response to her crazy plans to destroy the US economy.  Bernie had much more support in the early polls, but he lost a lot of that when he had his heart attack.  No one wants a candidate who might not survive the campaign.  To be fair, Sanders has started picking up some support again, but he is still in third or fourth place in the polls.

Mayor Pete seems to be gaining support simply as someone who doesn't have a disqualifying problem.  Sure, there are no doubt some Iowa Democrats who don't want to vote for Pete because he is gay, but that can't be too many.  The fact that Pete has no meaningful experience is also not yet a problem because his main opponents are so flawed.  Pete has been mayor of a city of 120,000 people, and he hasn't been very successful even at that.  He has no business experience or anything else that might show promise towards leading the nation.  Indeed, over the summer, there was a police shooting that led to confrontations in South Bend (where Pete is mayor) and he botched his handling of that mess in a major way.  Still, the media didn't pick that up because he was a minor candidate at that time and a Democrat to boot.

Even more proof that the voters are voting against Biden, Warren and Sanders more than for the others is that Amy Klobuchar has risen to fifth place with 6% in the latest poll.  Some will say it is because she is from a neighboring state, but she has been from a neighboring state all through the campaign and voters didn't pick her til now.  Klobuchar has nothing to recommend her; no real programs, no pleasing personality; no charisma. 

Polls like this were what Bloomberg and Patrick needed to convince them that the nomination could still be theirs.  There really is no front runner anymore.  There is just mass disillusionment by the real Dem voters. 

Maybe someone should start a push for Iowa caucus goers to pick "Uncommitted" as their choice.  That's a nice way of saying "none of the above."

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