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Friday, November 15, 2019

Those Terrible Tariffs

Although it has been crowded off the news pages by the impeachment circus, the issue of tariffs has been a big one in the mainstream media over the last 18 months.  Let's do a test to see if you've heard and absorbed the reports.  Answer this question:

The effect of the tariffs imposed by President Trump on China and some other countries  has been

A.  To raise the prices paid by the average American for all sorts of consumer good;

B.  To slow the growth of the American economy;

C.  To cost thousands of jobs for American workers; or

D.  None of the above.

The correct answer is D, none of the above (although it's not an answer you ever hear from the media.

New data released today shows that the prices paid by US buyers of imported goods have FALLEN 3% over the last year.  That's right; China is paying a 25% tariff on most goods but the prices of those goods have fallen.

At the same time, millions of new jobs have been created with growth continuing month after month.  Even during the GM strike which added huge numbers of temporarily unemployed workers, the level of employment INCREASED.  The economy has been growing at rates higher than those predicted by the so called "experts" as well.

Don't expect the read or hear about the actual effects of tariffs from the mainstream media.  Why destroy a good narrative that might help the left by reporting the actual facts?

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