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Friday, November 22, 2019

Update -- And This Is CNN

Last night I noted that CNN is reporting that a senior FBI employee is under criminal investigation for presenting phony documents to the FISA court as part of the application for a warrant to surveil people connected to the Trump campaign in 2016.  It wasn't just that they used the bogus and unverified Trump dossier, but rather that the FBI actually created phony document(s) to back up the application.  This is a truly serious crime.

Now, more has come out on this story.  The person under investigation is described as an FBI lawyer.  I cannot tell you that this is accurate since the source is the media, but given how hard it must be for them to report this news, I'm betting that this is likely correct.  That would point the finger at Lisa Page (the mistress of Peter Strzok who gave rise to the famous text message about having an "insurance policy" in the unlikely event that Trump won the 2016 election.)  That is nothing but a guess on my part since Page is the most prominent FBI lawyer involved in this mess.

If, indeed, Lisa Page is the person likely to be indicted, she is also the person likely to flip on the others involved in this mess.  This is a bad day for Brennan, Comey, Clapper and the others who allegedly ran this criminal enterprise.

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