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Friday, November 8, 2019

Yeah, That's What We Need: A Democrat/Republican/Independent/Democrat Billionaire Former Mayor of New York City

I have to laugh at the vainglorious nature of Mike Blumenthal who is planning now to run for the Democrat presidential nomination.  A recent poll of Democrats only showed that 6% would vote for him if he runs and 32% would definitely vote against him in that situation.  Bloomberg indicates that the current Democrat candidates are of poor quality and will probably lose to President Trump.  Well, everyone knows that.  Bloomberg's answer, however, is to jump into the race himself.  It's a joke.

First, mayors of New York City historically don't play well outside of New York City.  We all remember the successful presidential campaigns of John Lindsay, Rudy Giuliani, and Bill DeBlasio, don't we?  Oh wait, each of those campaigns were total failures.  They weren't close to successful.  These candidates didn't win a single primary or caucus.  They didn't even come in second in a single primary or caucus.  And why was that?  In part, it was because a large portion of the voters don't want to recreate New York City and its political wasteland for the nation. 

And for those of you who scream that President Trump was from New York City when he won in 2016, remember this:  living in NYC is not the same as heading up the swamp that is the government in NYC.  If Washington DC is the "swamp", then government in NYC is some subterranean cesspool that is much, much worse.

Mike Bloomberg is worth something like $40 billion.  That means he can easily afford his self-indulgent nonsensical foray into the race.  The real question if he gets in, is on what date will he throw in the towel and get out.  There's no way he can win.

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