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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cynthis Tucker -- even worse than Al Gore

In the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Cynthia Tucker has written a piece about how Al Gore is correct when he uses global warming to explain the current spate of snowstorms in the USA. Her proof? she talks about a science fiction writer who predicted this in a novel in 1994. She also talks about how the evil "Big business" has spent millions to make sure that Americans are ignorant about the truth (of course, again, without so much as an iota of evidence.) Unlike in her usual writing, Tucker does not blame American racism for the snowstorms, but I guess even she cannot figure out how to do that.

The truth is that Tucker is even worse than Al Gore. At least Gore is making big bucks from the climate debate. He went from being a reasonably wealthy politician to a mega rich climate guru. Tucker is just an opinionated fool who writes for a newspaper.

The truth is that the explanation offered by Gore for the snow, namely that the warmer air due to global warming is picking up more moisture which results in snow is full of holes. The total amount of precipitation has not changed dramatically; it is within normal levels. what has changed is the temperature which is substantially colder. that is why we have snow instead of rain. Simply put, Gore's explanation that Tucker extols explains nothing. Indeed, it is a complete non-sequitur. throwing in a quote from a sci-fi writer does not change this.

Some day I would like to see someone interview Cynthia and ask her to explain this. I am sure her response would be to attack the questioner as racist. What an idiot.

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