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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Back to The Law

It's amazing to watch the flip flop on immigration law that took place in Washington in the last 24 hours.  Prior to yesterday afternoon, the media and the Democrats were in unison announcing that President Trump had the power alone to fix the separation of children from their parents after those parents were arrested for illegally crossing the border into the USA.  Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer put the Democrat position best on Tuesday afternoon:  "Mr. President, you alone can fix it."  Schumer was not alone in expressing that view; nearly every Democrat who spoke to the issue and nearly every pundit in the mainstream media told the country that President Trump could fix this mess all by himself.  Then everything changed.  Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order that ended the separation of families on a temporary basis.  The order also directed the Justice Department to ask a federal court in California to allow children to stay with their parents after twenty days.  You see, there is an old court decree that requires the federal government not to hold children after twenty days.  That means that children of parents who are arrested for violating the immigration law cannot be held with their parents after 20 days.  Of course, that means family separation.

After this executive order was issued, there was a complete reversal by the Democrats and the media.  "The President can't do that on his own" is the new battle cry.  Suddenly, President Trump who they assured us could act by himself can't do that anymore now that he has taken action.  It's sad to see this happen, but it does reveal a basic truth about the Democrats and the media:  they really don't care all that much about the children; they only want to be able to make Trump look bad.  The goal is election of Democrats, not helping of immigrant families.

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