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Friday, June 15, 2018

The End of The One Way Street

It has become clear that the one-way street in Washington is officially over.  I'm not talking about traffic patterns in the District of Columbia.  Rather, I'm talking about the ability of the media to criticize and attack people endlessly and without any real basis without there being any real push back.  Think about it.  When Bill Clinton was president, he beat the Monica Lewinski mess and impeachment by having the press attack Ken Starr and his staff endlessly and without merit.  Starr never fought back.  Then, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the media (and the Democrats) accused Bush of lying to America and all manner of misconduct.  Bush decided that it would demean the presidency to fight back so he did not.  Neither did other Republicans.  Then came Obama.  At that point, anyone who disagreed with Obama's policies was labeled a racist.  If you wanted lower taxes, it was actually because of racism.  If you wanted to name the third week of August National Potato Week and Obama didn't, you were a racist.  If you didn't slavishly agree with Obama, you were a racist.  It was ridiculous.

Now we are in the age of Trump.  From the night of the election forward, the media has gone all out to push the phony Russia-Trump collusion narrative.  We got to a special prosecutor who spends time trying to get Trump rather than trying to learn the truth.  The media went after Trump much in the same way that it had done for decades in attacking Republicans.  For the first time in a long time, however, there was push back from some.  The President started with hit attacks on Fake News.  Indeed, given some of the garbage that the media published, they made it easy for Trump to label them as Fake News.  Then some of the leakers were caught.  News that had been covered up to make things look worse for Trump got uncovered.  Remember how long we waited until we learned that the Trump Dossier was just a phony pile of garbage that Hillary and the DNC had paid people to compile.  Now reporters at the NY Times are being disclosed as sleeping with their sources.  Others at other media sites are being challenged daily on their biggest bits of Fake News.  The old days when the mainstream media controlled the flow of information to the American people are officially over.  Just think how much it must kill the media elites to see polling which shows that almost two thirds of voters don't trust the special prosecutor Robert Mueller.  Imagine how bad the media must feel as their lie that the tax cut would actually raise taxes is debunked daily.  They're truly lost control

This morning, President Trump went out on the White House lawn at an event and sat down at the booth of Fox and Friends.  All the other media types surrounded the President on his way out to see his favorites at Fox and Friends.  If you've seen the video of Trump's walk to that tent, the media looks more like barking seals than anything else.  All that was missing was a few reporters who were balancing beach balls on their noses.

The media should know now that it can't just lie anymore.  There's going to be push back, and the media will look like a bunch of idiots when they lie.

It's about time.

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