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Monday, March 7, 2011

Recognizing reality in the Middle East

In today's New York Post, Amir Taheri writes about the nature of the various uprisings in the Middle East and about the seeming inability of the Obama Administration to understand them. According to Taheri, the protesters are mainly middle class, urban and educated. Contrary to the thinking of the obamacrats, the principal cause of the uprisings is not poverty, Islam or antipathy to Israel. Taheri says that the protests actually seek freedom and political change.

Obama, however, has been using the upheaval across the area as another reason to pressure the Israelis to make further concessions. It is a move that I find truly annoying and stupid. Obama already destroyed his credibility with the Israelis when -- as Next Gingrich says -- he took stronger steps against isrealis building apartments for Jews than he did against Iranians building nuclear weapons. Now would be a great time for the USA to use its power and influence to try to get an end result in the region that would mean more freedom, more democracy and more open societies. In short, we should be working for opening the minds and the avenues available to the Arabs. In the long run, this is the most certain path towards peace.

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