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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Voting Present seems not to be workinig

Back when he was a member of the Illinois Legislature, Barack Obama had a practice of voting "present" when he wanted to avoid taking a position on a contentious issue. He must believe that the strategy worked; after all, he is now president of the USA. Sadly for the country, however, Obama is still following this strategy. Gaddafi is winning back Libya through brute force and murder of opponents, but Obama offers nothing to the rebels seeking a democratic state. Even after announcing that Gaddafi has to go and putting the USA clearly into a position as an enemy should Gaddafi regain total power, Obama still does nothing to influence the situation on the ground. Instead, he has Hillary Clinton announce that any action must be taken by the UN even though the Russians have already made clear that they would veto any attempt at UN action. Congress cannot reach agreement as the level of spending for the remainder of this year. No problem for Obama; he just stays away from the issue. He appoints Biden to get involved but then sends him out of the country for weeks. Obama never says what cuts he wants or opposes. In fact, Obama offers nothing. the list goes on, but the clear point is that Obama is just voting present these days.

I wonder if the White House has realized that this strategy is not working. According to Rasmussen, Obama's approval numbers are down to 43% approve and 57% do not approve. Among those with strong views, the disapproval margin is now up to 22%, the worst ever performance by Obama in this metric.

Clearly, Obama is not up to the job of being president. Hopefully, he will not be able to do much more damage to the USA before he is booted out of office in 2012.

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