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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More Race Baiting from the liberal media

Today we have another instance of a mainstay of the liberal media using race baiting to hammer conservatives. David Gregory of NBC, the host of Meet The Press, was on the Today Show this morning and was asked whether or not the GOP would like to see Herman Cain drop out of the race in order to avoid the current distractions. Gregory's response: "There is no Grand Wizard of the Republican Party" who can force Cain to leave the race. GRAND WIZARD????? How is it that Gregory uses a leadership position from the Ku Klux Klan to describe Republicans? Simply put, Gregory is not so subtly calling Republicans racists. It is totally unacceptable. Gregory should be sanctioned.

My guess is that NBC will just let the incident go by without any response. For the last few weeks, NBC has not bothered to cover the crime spree coming from the Occupy movement. NBC has been silent about the blatant anti-semitism at the Occupy demonstrations. Indeed, NBC has followed its historical bias in that regard. When Obama's minister of 20 years was disclosed to be a racist and an anti-semite, NBC did not cover the story until Fox starting showing the videos of the Reverend Wright and forced the other media to cover the story. When the Tea Party first arose, NBC went out of its way to label the movement racist even when there was no proof. In short, Obama's friends at GE and NBC make sure to keep up the meme that the GOP is racist but the Democrats and the left just sometimes get over excited and say things that they later regret.

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