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Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupational Therapy?

I was watching the video of the Occupy Oakland protest attacking a Whole Foods store in that city and I started to wonder what point, if any, the folks thought they were making. Throwing paint on the outside of a supermarket and then breaking a few windows does not seem like much of a message to me. Are they anti-food? Maybe they don't like that Whole Foods focuses on organic and locally grown items. I doubt it. Is it the fact that Whole Foods employs large numbers of workers who consistently rate it as one of the best places to work? I get it! Whole Foods runs a series of charity work by collecting from customers as they check out.

The truth is that what was happening was a crazy outburst by angry and perhaps psychopathic people who seemed bent on destroying rather than building. It is not the 99 percent of the folks that they represent. Rather it is the one percent who ought to be institutionalized. Destruction of property for no apparent reason is actually their own form of therapy.

Let's hope these loonies go home soon. Perhaps a mayor or two will grow a pair and arrest those who are violent towards people or property. Free speech is one thing. Violence and wanton destruction of property is another.

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