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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Piers Morgan -- Who Cares

Perhaps the strangest news in the last few weeks has been the brouhaha about Piers Morgan.  For those of you who do not watch CNN, okay, for all of you, Morgan is the new host of what used to be the Larry King show.  Earlier in his career, Morgan was the editor of one of the large London newspapers and he has been mixed up in the phone hacking scandals of the media in that city.  For years now, there have been arguments over whether or not Morgan was involved in hacking into the cell phones of prominent figures in the UK, a charge that Morgan strongly denies.  Anyway, recently Morgan went strongly on the offensive against guns after the killings in Newtown.  Given the low ratings of Morgan's show, I am not sure why anyone cares what he says.  My guess is that his rant was only seen by people who had no other choice since it was the only thing playing at their airport gate prior to boarding.  The other seven regular viewers really do not constitute much of an audience.  Even so, some fools decided to start a petition to deport Piers Morgan.  They got something like 100,000 signatures on line in just a few days.  My guess is that most of those who signed care more about getting rid of the incredibly boring show rather than about Morgan's expressing his hostility to guns.  Either way, it got Morgan more publicity than he has ever generated.  The petition alerted many people, most of whom probably do not even know who Morgan is, to the very views that the petitioners are opposing.  Well now, Morgan has struck back to keep the press coverage alive.  He wrote a piece in the London Daily Mail in which he says that he may deport himself from the USA unless the gun laws get changed.

Personally, I do not care whether or not Morgan is here or if he goes back to the UK.  I do find it interesting that after all the mocking Romney got for using the term self-deportation, Morgan claims that he may put that term into action himself.

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