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Friday, December 7, 2012

This Just In

Since today is December 7th and teh 71st anniversary of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in which thousands of Americans died, I think it is worth considering how such an event would be considered today. There assuredly would be outrage from much of America, but Washington would probably tell us all that we ought not be angry at all of the Japanese since it was only their navy that took part in the attack. Japan is a country of peace, we would be told, with a navy that has hijacked that ancient empire and perverted its national principles. Who knows, maybe the president would have changed the goals of NASA to Japanese outreach?

These thoughts came to me after reading the column by Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post in which he advocates declaring the war on terror over. Without any factual basis, Zakaria announces that the al Qaeda that attacked on 9-11 is basically destroyed and toothless. (Perhaps he should explain that to the late American ambassador to Libya or to the government forces in Iraq or Syria.)

The truth is that there remains a terror network across the world that seeks the destruction of America and our way of life. The sooner that we stop debating this fact, the sooner that terror network can actually be destroyed.

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