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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Some Stalemate

The news today from Syria is of a bombing by the Assad regime in the city of Halfaya. The target was a long lind of people, mostly women, who were waiting to buy bread from a local bakery. This clear military target was hit by the Assad air force with the result that ninety-nine are confirmed dead and at least 100 others are seriously wounded. There has been no response from the world community.

Let's put this in perspective. Four times as many innocents were killed in Halfaya as in Newtown Connecticut. Both were horrible crimes, but look at the coverage. Do Syrian dead not count? Assad has slaughtered something like forty thousand of his countrymen. The overwhelming percentage of the dead are women and children. So where is the outrage. Where are the marches condemning Assad as a war criminal? Where is the international condemnation backed up by action?

The next time someone tells you about some internation "outrage" or another, just ask that person what he or she thinks of Halfaya. Expect a blank start in response. All America gets told is that the Syrian civil war is a stalemate.

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