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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And Now For Something Completely Different

Today brought news about Obamacare that is bad even for the disastrous scourge that is the Affordable Care Act.  The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office issued a study report that found that because of Obamacare, there will be about two million fewer jobs in the USA two years from now.

It is hard to overstate how terrible this news really is.  America is still suffering from the recession that was here when the Obama years began.  In normal times the economy would have replaced all the jobs lost in the recession and created millions more jobs after that.  Indeed, in every downturn of the last 75 years, that was how the recovery proceeded.  Under Obama and his anti-growth policies, we have yet even to recover all the lost jobs from a recession that ended officially four years ago.  There are millions of people out of work and millions more who have given up looking for jobs.  The one thing that the country does not need is the punch to the gut that the elimination of 2 million more jobs represents.  That means that there will be two million more families that will be struggling with poverty because there will be no jobs.

It is hard to imagine how even the Obama White House could spin this news.  TWO MILLION LOST JOBS DUE TO OBAMACARE!!!!!

It really is time to dump this sorry excuse for a law.


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