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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Key to Kiev

Can we really be watching the start of another Syria like situation?  Remember that the civil war in Syria began when the government sent snipers to kill protesters and gradually morphed into civil war.  In the Ukraine, we have almost the same thing happening.  Police forces are shooting those protesting and have killed dozens.  Right now, the world is horrified that the Ukrainian president would take such action just to cement ties with Russia.  We are at the point where both America and the EU could make a major move to assist the protesters and help topple the president who would kill his own people to make his political points.  We cannot have another spastic response or non-response like what happened with Syria.  It is just too important.  On a scale of world importance of 1 to 100, Syria may be something like 35, but Ukraine is in the 90s.

We all need to make some noise to get our fearful leader to act.  Let's push Obama to do what is right.

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