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Friday, February 7, 2014

Prophecy or Dementia?

This afternoon, I came across an article in The Nation by someone named Wen Stephenson which called for "Climate Justice".  Even for a far left publication like The Nation, the concept of climate justice is really out there.  Stephenson explains that the people who are trying to limit the temperature increase due to climate change to two degrees (C) are actually giving in to the industrialists and that the goal ought to be and increase of just one degree from the pre-industrial baseline.  Stopping global warming is, after all, a matter of justice, Climate Justice that is.

The article is a true example of just how distorted the ideas of the extreme global warming types really are.  For these people, all temperature increases across the globe are due to man's activities.  This conceit that man somehow controls global climate is perhaps the ultimate distortion of reality.  For millions, indeed billions of years the climate of the Earth has changed periodically.  At times our planet has been completely covered in ice because our climate was so cold.  At other times, Earth experienced ice ages when the planet was at least half covered in ice.  There were also times when the majority of Earth had temperatures like today's tropical rain forests.  Amazingly, all that happened without the presence of man.  The global warming extremists must be amazed to hear that Earth's climate could actually change without humanity being the cause.  Nevertheless, temperatures and climate have changed, sometimes in dramatic fashion, without any action by humanity.  As recently as one thousand years ago, the Earth was substantially warmer than it is today (after all that global warming).  Then five hundred or so years ago, Earth went into a substantial temperature decline, again without human cause.  In the early part of the 19th century, the temperature trend reversed and Earth has been warming steadily ever since.  Much of this warming took place before human activity began to put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in large amounts.  Then about 15 years ago or so, the warming stopped at a point where the amount of carbon dioxide being pumped into the air reached record levels and continued to grow.  The real truth is that the past provides conclusive evidence that climate and temperature change is not due to human activity but rather is principally caused by natural phenomena that we do not really understand.

Worse than their clear misunderstanding of today's climate, however, is the prescription by the environmental hysterics for how to "cure" global warming.  They want to sell "climate justice".  Do you know what this means?  Climate justice requires the end of industrial production by humanity.  The world is to get to a goal of zero emissions by 2050.  Understand what that means.  There are to be no cars.  We are to live in unheated homes.  Farms are to be managed by hand; no tractors or trucks allowed.  All of the conveniences of modern life are to be done away with; after all, the plants that provide the power to computers, TVs, refrigerators, etc. give off carbon dioxide.  In short, man is to return to life as a hunter/gatherer.  Billions of people may starve, but that is the price of climate justice.  Death, starvation, and disease will be triumphant, but there will be climate justice.

The environmental hysterics like Stephenson may talk of climate justice, but the reality of their view is a simple one:  most people need to die if we are to achieve climate justice.  It is, perhaps, the most demented philosophy ever presented within the template of "justice".  There is nothing just about it.  These people do not need to be debated; they need treatment.  The sooner the world realizes the true dementia being peddled as climate justice, the better off we all will be.


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