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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Treating Veterans Like Dirt

The treatment of America's veterans at the VA hospitals across the country is a national scandal.  Men and women who served our country are promised a certain level of medical care.  Instead of getting that care, many are being forced to wait for weeks, months and perhaps years to see a particular specialist or to get needed treatments.  The result is that veterans are dying while being forced to wait for the government to get them the treatment it promised.

This is bad enough, and can only be called a scandal.  But it gets worse.  There is now pretty clear proof that at multiple VA hospitals around the country, the staff kept phony records that made it seem as if the waiting time to see doctors was only two weeks at most.  In reality there were two lists:  a waiting list of many months to get on the "official" waiting list and a second list, the "official" one that was only two weeks long.  Only the details of the official list were disclosed to the press and the public, so the VA hospitals were able to claim that they had patients seeing doctors promptly.

The phony lists made thing substantially worse, but it gets worse still!  We now know that right after the 2008 election, the incoming Obama administration was briefed in detail about the problems that veterans faced getting medical care in a timely fashion.  Obama and his people were even told that the waiting lists were suspect.  Obama promised to solve the problem, but he did nothing.  Instead, the waiting for the veterans just got worse.

The lack of any attempt by Obama and the Obamacrats to fix the problem with the VA hospitals is truly terrible, but it gets even worse.  Indeed, it is hard to imagine that it could be any worse, but it is.  In 2009, when Obama took office, he pushed a stimulus package through Congress that resulted in spending an extra 800 billion dollars.  If just one percent of this money had been spent on the VA system, the problems with the medical care for America's veterans would have been essentially solved.  Instead, Obama and the Obamacrats spent nothing on the VA system.  They spent over $200 billion dollars to keep unneeded state and local employees on the payroll, but nothing on extra employees for the VA hospitals who would have meant the difference between life and death for many veterans.  Obama and the Obamacrats spent tens of billions of dollars on research into items like the sex lives of co-eds at Syracuse University or the best way to construct tunnels under highways so that salamanders could traverse the roads, but nothing was spent on America's veterans.  Of course, state employee unions and college professors were big supporters of Obama and the Democrats.  The president and the Obamacrats chose political payoffs over getting proper medical care for the heroes who fought and sacrificed for this country.  It is a disgrace so disgusting as to be beyond a mere scandal.

There needs to be an entirely new team put in charge at the Department of Veterans' Affairs.  There needs to be a complete plan presented by the new team that outlines precisely how the lack of sufficient medical care is going to be corrected.  It has to happen fast and it has to be done right.  America's veterans deserve it. 


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