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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

More Hogwash From the AP

Here's the headline on this afternoon's report from the AP on transition activities underway by Donald Trump and his advisors:

Amid signs of transition trouble, Trump huddles with Pence

The headline was news to me because I had not seen any signs of trouble from the transition team.  I read the AP article.  Why don't you guess what the "signs of transition trouble" are that AP references in the headline.  If you guessed that the answer is "there are none", you win the prize.  The article just talks about the various candidates being considered for this job or that.  Other than the old bogus criticism of Steve Bannon from last weekend, there is nothing that the AP could possibly call trouble.

The problem, of course, is that a great many people do not bother to read anything other than the headline.  By promoting a false narrative, the AP is trying to undermine Trump as somehow incompetent.

It really is disgusting that the AP is trying so hard to attack Trump less than a week after the country chose him to be our next president.

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