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Saturday, November 19, 2016

This Is Hard To Believe

Sometimes, things happen that are so idiotic that you have to stop for a moment and consider what in the world is going on.  There was such a moment earlier today when I heard of a new article posted on the Huffington Post by Hofstra law professor Leon Friedman.  Here's the headline that Friedman chose for his column:  "Is The Electoral College System For Choosing Our President Unconstitutional?"  I'm not joking.  A law professor actually wrote an article considering whether or not the electoral college expressly called for by the Constitution is unconstitutional.  That's pretty bad, but it gets worse.  Friedman's conclusion is that the electoral college may well be unconstitutional. 

I've been a lawyer for many decades, and I've seen some pretty poor legal reasoning.  This, however, is the worst ever, and it comes from a law professor.  I can't wait for Friedman's next columns.  Perhaps he can write one entitled "Are Atheists Christian?"  How about "Is there a difference between Night and Day?"

What a moron!

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