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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Proof -- But Will Voters Care About This?

The New York Post has an amazing story today; Hillary Clinton routinely had the maid in her Washington home print out and handle classified documents.  The maid had no security clearance, but she had access to some of the nation's most secret documents.  She also had access to the special room in Clinton's home that had been built to keep classified information secret.

It's important to understand that last sentence and the maid's access to the secure room.  Until now, the focus has been on Hillary Clinton's email system and the classified information sent on that private unsecured computer system.  This latest revelation is far worse.  Inside the secure room at Hillary's home there were secure government systems.  Those secure systems are the ones on which classified information is supposed to be sent or received.  When Hillary got copies of the president's daily intelligence briefing (which she did on occasion), it came to her over the secure system in that special secured room at her home.  When Hillary got reports on foreign or terrorist threats to our embassies and diplomatic personnel, those reports came to her over that same secure system.  These are among the most secret documents that the government possesses.  A foreign intelligence service looking at the president's daily brief would understand quickly just who are the sources for that intelligence.  Hundreds if not thousands of lives would be put at risk.  Our national security would be put at risk.  But Hillary had her maid go into the secured room and gather up the documents that had come in.

According to the NY Post, the maid had no security clearance.  She is an immigrant from the Philippines.  It is unclear if she is even a US citizen.  This is the woman to whom Hillary gave access to our nation's secrets.

Let's forget that this is all a crime.  Just think what it shows about Hillary Clinton's judgment.  Actually, just think what it shows about Hillary Clinton's LACK of judgment.

She cannot be president.  She would be a disaster for America. 

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