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Saturday, November 12, 2016

This Proves They Weren't Listening

The media is going berserk once again.  This time they are talking about how Donald Trump is "backing away" from his pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare.  The reason for all of this commotion is that Trump is reported to have told an interviewer that he was in favor of keeping the portion of Obamacare that mandated community rating; in other words, Trump does not want people to be denied coverage because they have a pre-existing condition.  This is causing heads to explode in places like the New York Times newsroom; Trump is tossing away his pledge!  The problem, however, is that all this proves is that the media just did not listen to anything that Trump said about policy during the campaign.

Let's look at the history.  In the Republican primary debates, Trump was asked about Obamacare.  He called it a disaster, but he said that he was in favor of keeping the rules on pre-existing conditions.  He said that on national TV last February and has repeated it since.  Trump also spoke favorably during the campaign on occasion about keeping the rule that let parents keep kids on their policies until age 26. 

It seems to me that the editors of most of the major media outlets ought to require someone in their employ to actually fact check what gets written about Trump.  We just went through a campaign in which much of the Trump coverage was imaginary.  Now that Trump has won, it does a major disservice to the country for the coverage to stay imaginary.

1 comment:

fastcarken said...

Turn about is FAIR Play, Republicans and Trump Supporters should Protest in front of offices of Media Outlets and Liberal Rag Sheets (Supposed Newspapers)