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Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Israeli flotilla and Obama

Yesterday, a Mexican teenager was killed while crossing the border with a group of others. When the federal border agents tried to stop the group, the agents were attacked with stones. The agents fired in self defense but ended up killing the youth and hurting others. The Mexican government has now loudly protested this death.

This story is a clear parallel to the Israelis stopping the flotilla. Both the flotilla and the Mexicans were attempting illegal entry. both the Mexicans and the flotilla were told to stop by the authorities. Both the Mexicans and the flotilla attacked those who were enforcing the border. Both the Israelis and the US border agents fired in self defense. Both Turkey and Mexico, the countries from which the groups left, have protested vigorously about the deaths.

The parallelism ends there, however, No one is calling for a UN investigation into the shooting at the US border. Indeed, the US would never tolerate such an investigation. Of course, the UN wants an investigation of Israel.

Why can't we have a president who realizes the truth and actually supports what is right. Imagine how refreshing it would be if Obama said that the Israelis have the right to enforce the legal joint Egyptian-Israeli blockade of Gaza and that the attack by the so-called activists was met with reasonable force. while the deaths are unfortunate, they do not mean that the blockade should be lifted.

What a pipe dream. Obama would never say that. Obama has to go!

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