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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reuters, the biased AP

I keep writing about the bias shown in stories put out by the AP. Then I read a Reuters story and see what total bias is. My favorite today is this sentence in the Reuters story about how the Federal court refused to stay its decision overturning the ban on underwater drilling.

"Feldman's latest ruling was more unwelcome news for the administration, which has been on the defensive over what critics call a slow and ineffective response to the 66-day-old spill in the Gulf of Mexico."

Only critics call it slow and ineffective? Why not just say that the response is slow and ineffective? Everyone knows it is and acknowledges this to be the truth. Only the most die hard spin doctor of the Obamacrats would say that only critics (who are probably unfair, you know how htose critics are) call the response slow and ineffective.

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