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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tom Foley and a bunch of nothing

Tom Foley got a bunch of bad news yesterday. The Hartford Courant published an article about two arrests in Foley's history from many years ago. In one case, Foley and his wife were arrested for disturbing the peace. In another, Foley was arrested for hitting someone else's car as he was leaving a gathering. In both cases, the charges were dropped within a day. The events are about 30 years old. Foley was completely forthcoming when the Courant reported asked him about the matter.

Normally, that would put an end to the matter. Instead, foley's opponents in the Republican primary for governor are getting crazy about this history. Griebel is saying that foley was charged with domestic violence (which is just untrue). Fedele calls on Foley to come clean (which he already has done -- and which he did before Fedele ever heard of the matter.)

I have no problem with a full investigation of the past of every candidate. Minor stuff like this from thirty years ago only tells me that Foley has a temper. Beyond that, I do not care. I know too many people in high places who had problems thirty years ago. The issue is not what they did thirty years ago; it is what would they do now.

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