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Monday, June 21, 2010

More Astonishment

I just watched the video of Labor Secrtary Solis' public service announcement calling upon all workers who do not get paid the full amount they are owed to contact the labor department for assistance. Amazing! the video can be reached by clicking on the title to this post.

Solis actually says that the Department of Labor will help get full payment for all workers "whether documented or not". Let's translate that into English: It is illegal for any employer in the USA to hire or employ an undocumented worker. Each employer is required to get forms completed by each new hire attesting to either citizenship or the legal right to residency in the country. So hiring an illegal is a crime and likewise it is a crime as an illegal to falsify the documents which prove legal status. That means that each instance where an illegal does or does not get full pay is a crime. Solis is now saying that the government will help those committing the crime to get the full fruits of that crime.

I would call that a new low for the Obamacrats, but that would be overstating it. It will be hard to imagine any obamacrat beating the Obama foreign, economic or oil spill policies as a new low. They are trying, however.

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