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Sunday, June 13, 2010

The PR Change

The news is out that Obama is going to address the country on Tuesday evening and that BP has been given a deadline for a better plan to close off the oil flow. Obama is trying to appear like ha is doing something.

Let me be fair. Obama may actually be doing something to improve the cleanup effort in connection with the oil spill. So far we know nothing at all that Obama has done, but he may be doing something. We do know, however, the Obama is stepping up his public relations efforts to make it look like he is doing something.

The problem with much of this effort is that it is way too late. to put it inot context, consider this scenario. A foreign power has launched a nuclear attack on the USA and its bombs have hit 7 of the 10 largest cities. Obama has now decided that it may be a good idea to hit back, so he has asked the remaining military for a counterattack plan. Sure, we will destroy the attacker, but the USA has already sustained incalcuable damage. That is about where we are with the oil spill. The damage is overwhelming, much worse than it would have been had Obama acted as a president and taken charge of the situation. Much worse than it would have been had there been a coherent response to the spill and a plan for cleaning up the mess. I am glad that Obama seems to be trying at least to look like he is doing something. I doubt, however, if all the dead wildlife or impoverished fishermen, hotel workers, and others who lost their livelihood care much about anything other than why Obama has been so apathetic and incompetent for so long.

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