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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Complaining Shows Lack Of Understanding

I just read the umpteenth article complaining about the deal fostered by Donald Trump under which Carrier kept over 1000 jobs in Indiana rather than moving them to Mexico.  The White House, various public officials, and a whole host of "experts" and pundits have called the deal everything from crony capitalism to a fraud.  It's an amazing amalgamation of true confusion; the complaints show a true lack of understanding for what happened.  Simply put, Donald Trump did something that no one else was able to arrange:  he got Carrier to save over 1000 jobs of average American workers.  Clearly, the Obama White House didn't care enough to try.  The state of Indiana had made an effort, but it just didn't have the clout with Carrier that was needed for success.  It's amazing that all these people don't get this.

Today came some news that may help clue in these people about what they have been missing.  There was a poll taken in which 60% of registered voters approved of the deal and said it made them feel more favorable towards Trump.  This is a very high number for an issue poll and one has to wonder how many of those opposing what Trump did are motivated more by hatred for Trump than an analysis of his actions.  The media elites can snipe at what Trump did, but it puts them on the side against the American people. 

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