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Monday, December 19, 2016

It's Election Day and We Need a Safe Space For Electors

Today is Election Day.  In each state capital, the electors will meet and cast their ballots for president and vice president.  Usually, this merits a small story buried in the days news.  Today, however, we have electors who are meeting under siege.  The Democrats, who are still unable to accept their defeat, have been mounting a campaign trying to convince electors to refuse to follow the vote of the people in their states.  It's a rather unprecedented move to undermine the entire electoral process set up by the Constitution.

It's worth noting that much of what is happening with regard to the electors are triggering events and microaggressions.  Indeed, what the Democrats and the left are doing is more like macroaggressions.  The electors need a safe space free from the bullying of the Democrats.  Maybe we could get the Ivy League universities to suspend the season for the Democrats so that they have to shut up.

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