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Monday, December 12, 2016

The Himes Disgrace

I sad to say that my congressman is Jim Himes of the 4th district of Connecticut.  Today, Himes is out begging the electors in the electoral college to ignore the vote in their states and to vote against Donald Trump for president.  Jim admits that Trump won the election "fair and square", but he still wants the electors to vote for someone else.  Jim says that the President Elect is "completely unhinged" because he said he does not believe that the Russians hacked the election.

Let's get two things clear:

1.  There is no evidence that the Russians did anything to alter the outcome of the election.  Indeed, quite the opposite is true.  Every place where the crazies demanded recounts and the like, the result has stayed the same after review.  Further, five weeks after the election, no one has found even a single instance of Russian hacking of the election.  That means that if anyone is "completely unhinged" about the subject, it is congressman Himes, not President Elect Trump.

2.  There is evidence that someone hacked or leaked information from the DNC and from the Clinton campaign.  We don't know if that was the Russians, and there is no evidence that has been made public to support the claim that it was the Russians.  We do know, however, that however the information put on Wikileaks was obtained, it was nothing more than the public disclosure of the actual truth about the DNC and the Clintons.  Wikileaks revealed the ongoing lies that were coming from the DNC etc.

It's really a disgrace for Himes to be calling for the vote of the people to be overturned.  If the result had been the opposite and Republicans were calling for the overturning of the results, charges of fascism, Nazism, and the like would be spewing from the mouths of people like Himes.  Himes is a disgrace to this district. 

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