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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I Just had To Say This -- Obama is the Lowest of the Low

I have been trying not to post until after New Year's Day, but the actions of our idiotic leader president Obama and his secretary of state John Kerry are so moronic and immoral that I had to post.

Let's start with the lesser moron, John Kerry.  Today that idiot told the world that America's ally Israel could either be a Jewish nation or a democratic nation.  What BS.  What stupidity.  Think about that.  Suppose Kerry announce that Italy could either be an Italian nation or a democracy.  Maybe Japan could either be Japanese or a democracy.  Those are totally ridiculous statements.  Italy will always be Italian; Japan will always be Japanese.  For Kerry, though, Israel does not get to choose to be a nation of Jews.  For some reason Kerry and Obama view Israel as the only nation in the world that cannot be composed of its own ethnic group.

Then there's the big moron, Obama.  Our moron in chief decided to change seventy years of American foreign policy that said that only direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians could settle the dispute.  Instead, the USA let the UN come in to dictate some of the provisions of the agreement between these parties.  Israeli settlements are now supposed to be illegal and the residents of those so called settlement are criminals according to the UN.  Think about that.  In 1948, Arab armies forcibly ejected Jews from the Jewish Quarter of the old city of Jerusalem, the place where the Jewish temple was located thousands of years ago.  It is the site of the holiest shrine in Judaism, the Western Wall of the Temple.  After the 1967 war when Jordan (which controlled eastern Jerusalem attacked Israel), Israel came to control the eastern half of the city and it was reunited.  Jews moved back into buildings from which they had been expelled by force 19 years earlier.  The re-entered an area in which they had lived for thousands of years.  To Obama, however, these people who are living in their homeland are now international criminals.

We can't get president Trump in place soon enough for me.  Hopefully, Trump will not only move the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the city as Israel's eternal capital, but he will also locate that embassy in the eastern half of the city, indeed in the very region which Obama seeks to keep free of Jews.

During the Holocaust, there were many areas in Europe that were declared by the Nazis to be kept free of all Jews.  In essence, the resolution that Obama allowed to pass does that same thing.  It is a disgrace that the president of the United States of America, even one as moronic and misguided as Obama, would tolerate such a racist and anti--Semitic action by the UN.

Obama used to worry about his legacy.  He need worry no more.  Obama has established his place at the very worst president of the modern era when it comes to foreign policy.  The reality is that no matter what President Trump does, he will look good in comparison to Obama.

Thank God that there is less than one month left with this idiot.

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