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Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Commentariat Of Delusion

I read a number of articles today in which one expert or another pundit "explains" the rationale for the cabinet appointments of President Elect Donald Trump.  It's a potpourri of delusion.  These people -- who were so wrong about the election -- are still using their incorrect understanding of Trump and the American people to put forth bogus reasoning about the various appointments.  One guy writing in the Washington Post says that the conservatives named by Trump are just a ploy to make the Republican base happy while Trump actually governs as a liberal.  (No, I'm not kidding; he really says that.)  Another so called expert says that Trump picked people without much thought to how they would be able to handle the difficult task of governing.  That guy actually uses the nominee for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, as someone who will not be able to deal with a big bureaucracy.  (Tillerson, of course, is the CEO of Exxon, so he is already the head of an organization which is bigger than the State Department.)  Then there are those who explain that for foreign policy and defense, Trump is preparing for war.  These people should not be confused with the others who tell us that regarding the same policy area, Trump is planning to let Vladimir Putin determine US foreign and defense policies.l

It's really not that hard to understand Trump's picks.  He's even told us part of his reasoning.  Trump said he wanted people who get things done, so he picked people who have achieved that in the past.  Trump wants to move on from the Obama policy of talking about things while doing nothing; he actually wants to accomplish things.  On top of that, Trump wants to shake up the old Washington way of proceeding.  Is the EPA out of control?  (YES) Then put in a new administrator who will shake the place up and stop the avalanche of needless regulations.  Is the Department of Defense too much of a bureaucracy more concerned about the possibility of transgender troops than the defense of the country?  (YES) Then put in a new secretary who will cut through the BS and focus on the needs of the troops and restoring American military power.  Is the Justice Department being run as a social engineering agency rather than a law enforcement group?  (YES)  Then put in a new Attorney General who will see that the law is enforced.  We could go further down the list, but the point is that Trump's choices will shake things up in a big way and change the direction of the behemoth that is the federal government.  Trump really is the bringer of change; he's doing exactly what he said he would do.

The sad thing is that the overwhelming bulk of the commentariat cannot seem to grasp what is actually happening.  It's like they are watching a football game and analyzing it based upon the pitchers' ERA or the batting averages of the players.  They're following the wrong game.

All of this will become more apparent in the next six months.  Hopefully the "experts" will reach a point where they actually perceive reality.

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