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Monday, December 12, 2016

Was It The Russians? Recount Shows Votes Changed!

Earlier today, I updated readers about the Wisconsin recount.  Well, now we have final results from that state.  Every last vote in Wisconsin was counted again, and the results turned out to have changed.  In the original vote count, Trump beat Clinton in Wisconsin by over 22,000 votes.  Now that the votes have been recounted, Trump widened his lead by 162 votes.  Maybe the Russians tried to hack the original count to help Hillary Clinton.  Thanks, however, to the $3.5 million spent on the recount, we now have a more accurate result that shows Trump with his enlarged lead over Clinton.

I hope that all those people who gave money to Jill Stein to help defray the cost of this nonsensical recount are happy with the outcome.  They need to accept reality.  Trump won; Hillary lost.  It wasn't the Russians; it wasn't someone hacking the vote; it was the will of the people.  Why can't liberals accept the will of the people when those people vote against the left?  What's their new slogan?  Maybe "Democracy -- but only if we win!"

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