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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another Obama Lie

Well the federal government has now sued to overturn the Arizona immigration law. the basis for the suit is that federal law regarding immigration is exclusive; states cannot legislate in the area according to the Justice Department.

Under settled precedent, the mere fact that a federal law exists with regard to an issue does not mean that federal law is exclusive. For example, the Obamacare law occupies the health care space, but it is not exclusive -- it does not invalidate existing state law. For a federal law to supersede all state laws, the feds have to make clear that the federal statute is intended to do so. Even is the law is not exclusive, however, the state cannot make law that conflicts with the federal statute.

That brings me to Obama's latest lie. Obama said that the reason for opposing the Arizona law was this: "As other states and localities go their own ways, we face the prospect that different rules for immigration will apply in different parts of the country, a patchwork of local immigration rules where we all know one clear national standard is needed."

So Obama is worried that there will be different laws in different states regarding immigration. What utter crap. Obama is a former law professor. He knows that the state laws cannot conflict with the federal law at all. These state laws have to conform to the federal law. In other words, the use of state personnel to enforce the federal standards could vary, but the standards themselves cannot change. Obama is clearly lying about this (or else he is the dumbest excuse for a law professor I have ever seen).

Why can't obama just tell the truth -- even once in a while.

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