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Monday, July 12, 2010

More race baiting -- this time from the NAACP

Drudge picked up an ABC news story about how the NAACP is going to condemn the Tea Parties tomorrow for "racism". Truly amazing! The Tea Parties have now had thousands of rallies across the country. At nearly every one there were reporters present. In all those rallies, no one has reported any racist speeches or appeals. Indeed, the only supposedly racist comments from Tea party members are the phony ones dreamed up by the Congressional Black Caucus members on the day the House passed Obamacare. Those charges that some in the crowd called members of the Black Caucus the N word are the subject of a challenge from Breitbart. Anyone with evidence that the words were actually spoken will receive $100,000 when he or she presents the evidence. So far there have been no takers since the event never took place.

So why is the NAACP condemning non-existant racism? Clearly, the goal is to motivate black voters to go out and support the Obamacrats. There is a marked decline in enthusiasm among all factions of the Obamacrats this year. it is certainly not surprising that supporters are not too pleased with an administration that has presided over enormous increases in unemployment, a failed foreign policy and huge increases in debt and taxes. The Obamacrats need something to motivate their supporters, so they have fallen back on the old standby of the Democrats -- racism and charges of racism. In the old days, Southern Democrats got their vote out by claiming that the Republicans would not support the segregationist structures that the Democrats had erected across the South. The target audience changed but the tactic did not as Democrats moved on to label Republicans as racists, homophobes, antisemitic and the like. Since the Democrats cannot win in a contest of ideas, they have always fought their battles by trying to use race to bring out their voters.

President Obama has been using race-baiting in his efforts to gain Hispanic support; hence the baseless suit against the Arizona immigration law and today's announcement that the feds may also sue to stop racial profiling that has not ever taken place. the NAACP is just following Obama's lead.

Let's hope that the American people are too smart to fall for these despicable tactics.

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