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Thursday, July 29, 2010

The anwer is NO!

Earlier today, I wondered if Obama would sing on the View. Now we have the answer, and it is NO!

Strangely, Obama trotted out the excuse that the "media" created a phony controversy with the Sherrod case. I would have though that he might back away from that one since the White House ordered her to be fired before the tape ever aired on TV. It was posted on a few web sites, but the White House was trying to get out in front of the story and fire her before the story made it to TV. So, the fault is not that the media created a phony story, but that Obama and his staff got it wrong. Indeed, sherrod herself was told that she was being fired because Glen Beck was going to do a story on her. Beck, however, did not attack Sherrod but supported her.

Why does Obama still think that he can say whatever he wants, whether or not it is true, and do himself any good. Sure, there are folks out there who do not know the truth and are still taken in. There are, however, growing numbers of Americans who see Obama's habit of lying and have stopped believing what he says. This is a terrible blow both to Obama and the presidency.

Obama also said on the View that blacks area "mongrel" people and that whites are too, but they know less about it. I give the president a pass on this one since he clearly did not mean this in a derrogatory sense. Still, the use of the word "mongrel" shows just why Obama always uses a teleprompter. He can read a speech as well as anyonoe in the world. When he has to be the one who decides what to say, however, watch out!

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