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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bite Me Bites the Big One

I just read an interview with Vice President Biden in which he expounds on why the Democrats will do well in November. When I got to the following reason, I had to stop; it was just too funny:

“I also think you’re going to see that all the things that [the publc] worried about with regard to health care are turning out not to be true. It’s turned out to be fairly popular.”

Supposedly, the great popularity of obamacare is going to sweep the Democrats out of trouble. Wow! Biden is delusional. the latest polls show that over 60% of those surveyed want Obamacare repealed! These numbers have been getting consistently worse since the law was passed. While the movement in favor of repeal has not been more than 5-10% depending on the poll, the direction has been the same in every poll taken. Fewer than 30% want the Obamacare law to remain on the books.

If Biden thinks that is "fairly popular", then there is no question that he deserved his old nickname as the "dumbest guy in the Senate".

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